If you would like to know more information or what it would be like to work for a specific employer, please view the employers website by referring to the details listed below. If you are unsure of where a Health New Zealand district is located, check out the Health New Zealand boundary maps here. For all ACE related questions, you can contact ACE at NOR.EN@tewhatuora.govt.nz or on 0800 223 236
Health New Zealand - Te Toka Tumai Auckland
2 Park Rd, Grafton. Auckland 1023
Claire Preston - Associate Nurse Director Workforce Development & Learning
Hayden Erick - ENSIPP Coordinator
Health New Zealand - Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty
829 Cameron Road, Tauranga 3112
Katie Geros - Acting Nurse Leader
Health New Zealand - Waitaha Canterbury
Manawa, 276 Antigua St, Christchurch 8011
Jacinda King - Nurse Manager – Nursing Workforce Development Team
Sarah Gibbon - ENSIPP Nurse Coordinator
Waitaha Canterbury ENSIPP website
Health New Zealand - Capital, Coast & Hutt Valley
Private Bag 93311, Otahuhu, Auckland 1640
Denyse Lewislavea - ENSIPP Coordinator
021 242 6776
Victoria Crisp
021 195 3382
Health New Zealand - Te Matau a Māui Hawke's Bay
Health New Zealand - Te Pae Hauora o Ruahine o Tararua MidCentral
50 Ruahine St, Palmerston North 4440
Fiona Rowan - Nurse Educator, ENSIPP Coordinator
063509143 extn 9143
Jodi Miller - Associate Director of Nursing Workforce Development
Queen Street, Parkside, Timaru 7910
Anneke Dossett - New Graduate Co-ordinator (Primary Contact)
Megan Stark - New Graduate Co-ordinator
036872358 extn 8358
Colette Parai - ENSIPP Coordinator
034740999 extn 58775
Health New Zealand - Taranaki
David St, Westown, New Plymouth 4310
Heidi Ashcroft - Nurse Educator
027 2616 526
Health New Zealand - Waikato
Pembroke St, Hamilton 3240
Private Bag 93503, Takapuna, Auckland 0740
Janine Quiding - Nurse Director (Nursing Workforce Development)
021 241 9510
Health New Zealand - Te Tai o Poutini West Coast
Kate Benner - ENSIPP Coordinator
037697400 extn 2462
Health New Zealand - Whanganui
100 Heads Road, Whanganui 4501